Homeowner Assistance Fund

The American Rescue Plan Act provides up to $9.961 billion for states, the District of Columbia, U.S. territories, Tribes or Tribal entities, and the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands to provide relief for our country’s most vulnerable homeowners.

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The purpose of the Homeowner Assistance Fund (HAF) is to prevent mortgage delinquencies and defaults, foreclosures, loss of utilities or home energy services, and displacement of homeowners experiencing financial hardship after January 21, 2020. Funds from the HAF may be used for assistance with mortgage payments, homeowner’s insurance, utility payments, and other specified purposes. The law prioritizes funds for homeowners who have experienced the greatest hardships, leveraging local and national income indicators to maximize the impac

How to Apply for HAF

The program will be launched after approval by Treasury.

To be added to the notification list when the program opens, please fill out the sign-up form on this webpage by clicking the button below.